For this case study, you have been contracted by the Irish Revenue. Using only the data specified below, the Revenue require 3 primary objectives to be addressed:
The below formula is how to calculate stamp duty:
$$ \text{Stamp Duty Due} = \text{Stamp Duty Rate} \times (\text{Sale Price}-(\text{Sale Price} \times \text{VAT})) $$$$ \text{Stamp Duty Due} = 0.01 \times (\text{Sale Price}-(\text{Sale Price} \times 0.135)) $$Before beginning, make sure to visit the provided links to gain a better understanding of the data.
Please read through entire assessment before beginning.
The first step to perform is to download and read the data by following the below steps.
and load PPR-ALL.csv
into a pandas DataFrame. Only load the following columns:Date of Sale (dd/mm/yyyy)
, Address
, County
, Price ()
, VAT Exclusive
, Not Full Market Price
, Description of Property
into a pandas DataFrame'''
Importing standard python libraries used.
import csv
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Load PPR-ALL.csv into a pandas DataFrame. Only load the following columns:
Date of Sale (dd/mm/yyyy), Address, County, Price (), VAT Exclusive, Not Full Market Price, Description of Property
Load HPM09.<time_of_download>.csv into a pandas DataFrame
# define columns to load from the PPR-ALL.csv file
# note, the column heading "Price ()" has been to "Price" to avoid unicode errors
# note, the column heading "Date of Sale (dd/mm/yyyy)" has been changed to "Date" for simplicity
ppr_columns = [
"VAT Exclusive",
"Not Full Market Price",
"Description of Property"
# use pandas read_csv method to load in desired columns from PPR-ALL.csv into a dataframe
property_prices = pd.read_csv("source_data/PPR-ALL.csv",usecols=ppr_columns)
# use pandas read_csv method to load in all columns from HPM09.20210716T170716.csv into a dataframe
residential_price_index = pd.read_csv("source_data/HPM09.20210716T170716.csv")
Next, complete the following steps to obtain the dataset which the exploratory analysis will be performed on.
Note, perform any additional steps that may be warranted based on your understanding of the data that you have observed from the data itself and/or from the information provided in the links.
, Cork
, Galway
, Kildare
and Meath
. Print length of DataFrame.Residential Property Price Index
statistic. Print length of DataFrame.Dublin - all residential properties
or National excluding Dublin - all residential properties
Property Price Data Cleaning
For the assessment use data from 2010 to 2019 (inclusive). Print length of DataFrame.
Filter out all counties except for the following Dublin, Cork, Galway, Kildare and Meath. Print length of DataFrame.
# convert Date from string to datetime in property_prices
property_prices["Date"] = pd.to_datetime(property_prices["Date"], format="%d/%m/%Y")
# create mask (boolean indicator for each row in dataframe) for dates between 01/01/2010 - 31/12/2019
mask = (property_prices["Date"] >= "2010-01-01") & (property_prices["Date"] < "2020-01-01")
# filter property_prices by date mask
property_prices = property_prices.loc[mask]
# print property_prices length
print("Property prices (2010-2019) data length:", len(property_prices))
# define counties to include
counties = [
# create mask (boolean indicator for each row in dataframe) for counties in counties list
mask = property_prices["County"].isin(counties)
# filter property_prices by county mask
property_prices = property_prices.loc[mask]
# print property_prices length
print("Property prices (2010-2019) data in Dublin, Cork, Galway, Kildare and Meath has length:", len(property_prices))
Property prices (2010-2019) data length: 408696 Property prices (2010-2019) data in Dublin, Cork, Galway, Kildare and Meath has length: 234276
RPI Data Cleaning
For the assessment use data from 2010 to 2019 (inclusive). Print length of DataFrame.
Include only Residential Property Price Index statistic. Print length of DataFrame.
Remove type of residential properties that are not either Dublin - all residential properties or National excluding Dublin - all residential properties.
# convert Month from string to datetime in residential_price_index
residential_price_index["Month_Timestamp"] = pd.to_datetime(residential_price_index["Month"], format="%YM%m")
# filter residential_price_index for dates between 01/01/2010 - 31/12/2019
residential_price_index = residential_price_index.query("Month >= '2010-01-01' & Month < '2020-01-01'")
# print residential_price_index length
print("Residential price index data (2010-2019) length:", len(residential_price_index))
# filter residential_price_index for "Residential Property Price Index" statistic
residential_price_index = residential_price_index.query("Statistic == 'Residential Property Price Index'")
# print residential_price_index length
print("Residential price index data (2010-2019, RPI only) length:", len(residential_price_index))
# filter residential_price_index for either:
# Dublin - all residential properties or National excluding Dublin - all residential properties
residential_price_index = residential_price_index.query(
"`Type of Residential Property` == 'Dublin - all residential properties' | \
`Type of Residential Property` == 'National excluding Dublin - all residential properties'"
# print residential_price_index length
"Residential price index data (2010-2019, RPI only) length,",
"\nDublin - all residential properties & National excluding Dublin - all residential properties:" ,
Residential price index data (2010-2019) length: 9600 Residential price index data (2010-2019, RPI only) length: 2400 Residential price index data (2010-2019, RPI only) length, Dublin - all residential properties & National excluding Dublin - all residential properties: 240
Note, perform any additional steps that may be warranted based on your understanding of the data that you have observed from the data itself and/or from the information provided in the links.
# there are two types of property in the property_prices data, new and second hand
# sometimes the property description is in English, sometimes in Irish
# to simplify this distinction a boolean column, "New", will be used to catogrise dwellings as new (True) or second hand (False)
# defining a list of words that denote a property as new, these words only exist in the description of new properies
new_words = ["New", "Nua"]
# create boolean indicator for each row in dataframe for property new status (True or False)
new = property_prices["Description of Property"].str.contains('|'.join(new_words))
# create "New" column in property_prices data and set it equal to the new indicator
property_prices["New"] = new
# convert price data from string to float
property_prices["Price"] = property_prices["Price"].str[1:].replace(',','', regex=True).astype(float)
residential_price_index["VALUE"] = residential_price_index["VALUE"].astype(float)
# On the website for the Property Price data it says:
# "If the property is a new property, the price shown should be exclusive of VAT at 13.5%."
# When re-selling this house it will be subject to VAT; therefore to accurately compare
# property values it would be useful to have the VAT free price for all properties
VAT = 0.135
property_prices["Sale_Price_ex_VAT"] = np.where(
property_prices["VAT Exclusive"] == 'Yes',
property_prices["Price"] / (1 + VAT)
# simplify "Type of Residential Property" description as only 2 types remain
residential_price_index["Type of Residential Property"] = np.where(
residential_price_index["Type of Residential Property"] == 'Dublin - all residential properties',
"National (ex Dublin)"
Combine Data
Combine both data sources in such a way that type of residential properties categorisations are aligned appropriately
# In order to merge the data we need keys in the data to join on. The RPI data is split up
# by location, month & dwelling catagory (house, apartment). In order to merge on these feilds
# we need the the common feilds to match in both data sources. The dates in property_prices need
# be adjusted to the start of the month to match the RPI data.
# create adjusted timestamp for the start of the month (to match with RPI data) to perform left join on
property_prices["RPI_Month"] = property_prices["Date"].apply(lambda x : x.replace(day=1))
# there isn't enough information in the property_prices to decifer between houses and apartments
# therefore the best way to split up the RPI data to match to the property_prices data is into 2
# catagories: "Dublin" & "National (ex Dublin)"
# create adjusted location to match with RPI data to perform left join on
property_prices["RPI_Category"] = np.where(
property_prices["County"] == 'Dublin',
"National (ex Dublin)"
# Left join property_prices & residential_price_index on category (Dublin/ non-Dublin) & date (RPI month)
prices_with_rpi = pd.merge(
residential_price_index[["Month_Timestamp", "Type of Residential Property", "VALUE"]],
how='left', left_on=['RPI_Category','RPI_Month'],
right_on = ['Type of Residential Property','Month_Timestamp']
Estimate sale prices so that they are all comparable to December 2019 prices by using the RPI information
# get RPI value for December 2019 for Dublin properties
RPI_Dublin_DEC2019 = float(
"Month == '2019M12' & \
`Type of Residential Property` == 'Dublin'"
# get RPI value for December 2019 for non-Dublin properties
RPI_Non_Dublin_DEC2019 = float(
"Month == '2019M12' & \
`Type of Residential Property` == 'National (ex Dublin)'"
# create column for Dec 2019 RPI value and append correct value based on property type (Dublin/Non-Dublin)
prices_with_rpi["RPI_DEC2019"] = np.where(
prices_with_rpi["County"] == 'Dublin',
# estimate Dec 2019 price for all dwelling based on % change of RPI from date of sale
prices_with_rpi["Est_Price_Dec2019"] = (prices_with_rpi["RPI_DEC2019"] / prices_with_rpi["VALUE"]) * prices_with_rpi["Sale_Price_ex_VAT"]
# remane columns to make them more understandable
prices_with_rpi = prices_with_rpi.rename(columns={
"Price": "Sale_Price",
"Type of Residential Property": "Location",
"VALUE": "RPI_at_Sale",
"": ""
# drop unnecessary columns
prices_with_rpi = prices_with_rpi.drop(['Month_Timestamp'], axis=1)
Revenue have given a brief that explains they are interested in finding patterns in the property price and residential price index information.
Examples include the change in property prices over time (adjusted and unadjusted for inflation), the number of properties sold, the distribution characteristics of prices and the difference between counties and types of properties.
This is not an all-encompassing list and should be expanded upon based on what you feel the client would be interested in knowing. The purpose of this question is to showcase your ability to extract useful information relevant for a client from a data source, visualise and elaborate on those findings.
Examples include the change in property prices over time (adjusted and unadjusted for inflation), the number of properties sold, the distribution characteristics of prices and the difference between counties and types of properties.
Here I load in monthly CPI (consumer price index) relative to Dec 2016 (I set this relative to Jan 2015)
# Inflation rate in Ireland taken from
inflation_rate = pd.read_csv("source_data/CPM16.20210719T120750.csv")
# filter inflation_rate for dates between 01/01/2010 - 31/12/2019
inflation_rate = inflation_rate.query("Month >= '2010-01-01' & Month < '2020-01-01'")
# filter inflation_rate for 'Consumer Price Index' & 'All items'
inflation_rate = inflation_rate.query("Statistic == 'Consumer Price Index' & `Detailed Sub Indices` == 'All items'")
# drop unnecessary columns
inflation_rate = inflation_rate.drop(['Statistic', 'Detailed Sub Indices', 'UNIT'], axis=1)
# set reference inflation rate to Jan 2010
inflation_rate["VALUE"] = (inflation_rate["VALUE"] / inflation_rate.iloc[0]["VALUE"]) *100
# give VALUE a meaningful name
inflation_rate = inflation_rate.rename(columns={'VALUE': 'CPI'})
# Left join residential_price_index & inflation_rate on category (Dublin/ non-Dublin) & date (RPI month)
residential_price_index = pd.merge(
right_on ='Month'
# create an inflation adjusted RPI column
residential_price_index["inflation_adjusted_VALUE"] = (residential_price_index["VALUE"] / residential_price_index["CPI"]) * 100
residential_price_index["Type - inflation adjusted"] = residential_price_index["Type of Residential Property"].astype(str) + " inflation adjusted"
# convert Month from string to datetime in inflation_rate
inflation_rate["Month_Timestamp"] = pd.to_datetime(inflation_rate["Month"], format="%YM%m")
# Left join prices_with_rpi & inflation_rate on category (Dublin/ non-Dublin) & date (RPI month)
prices_with_rpi = pd.merge(
right_on ='Month_Timestamp'
# create an inflation adjusted RPI column
prices_with_rpi["inflation_adjusted_Sale_Price"] = (prices_with_rpi["Sale_Price"] / prices_with_rpi["CPI"]) * 100
prices_with_rpi["Location - inflation adjusted"] = prices_with_rpi["Location"].astype(str) + " inflation adjusted"
# setup matplotlib subplots
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 6.75))
# plot RPI data using seaborn
g = sns.lineplot(
hue="Type of Residential Property",
palette=sns.color_palette("dark", n_colors=2)
# plot inflation adjusted RPI data using seaborn
g = sns.lineplot(
hue="Type - inflation adjusted",
palette=sns.color_palette("pastel", n_colors=2)
# set plot properties
_ = plt.xlabel("Month")
_ = plt.ylabel("RPI %")
_ = plt.title("Monthly Residential Property Price Index - Relative to 2015 Average")
_ = ax.legend(title="Legend")
As you can see from figure 1, the inflation adjusted RPI for National (ex Dublin) begins and ends the 10 year period at a very similar level, with a substantial dip ending in 2013. This means that the real cost of housing is likely the same at the end of 2019 as it was in 2010. Conversely, the inflation adjusted RPI in Dublin at the end of 2019 is substantialy higher than its 2010 value. This means that the real cost of housing has likely risen substantialy during the same 10 year period. This graph eludes to a disparity in the changing cost of living in Dublin vs the rest of the nation over the last 10 years.
# setup matplotlib subplots
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(24, 6.75))
# group data by month and location & calculate quatity of sales
property_sold_by_month = prices_with_rpi.groupby(['RPI_Month', 'Location']).size().reset_index(name='counts')
g = sns.lineplot(
palette=sns.color_palette("deep", n_colors=2)
# set plot properties
_ =[0])
_ = plt.xlabel("Month")
_ = plt.ylabel("Qty")
_ = ax[0].legend(title="Legend")
_ = plt.title("Monthly Quantity of Residential Properties Sold")
# group data by month and (new/second hand) & calculate quatity of sales
property_sold_by_month = prices_with_rpi.groupby(['RPI_Month', 'New']).size().reset_index(name='counts')
g = sns.lineplot(
palette=sns.color_palette("deep", n_colors=2)
# set plot properties
_ =[1])
_ = plt.xlabel("Month")
_ = plt.ylabel("Qty")
_ = ax[1].legend(title="Legend", labels=["Second Hand", "New"])
_ = plt.title("Monthly Quantity of Residential Properties Sold")
The monthly quantity of properties sold follows a seasonal pattern. January generally has the lowest volume for the year, the volume then builds throughout the year with December being the busiest month for the market. This pattern is present for new and second hand properties inside and outside of Dublin. It is evident that there has been a gradual rise in the number of properties sold in the first half of the decade and since the volume has been relatively stable. The quantity of new houses has continued to rise in the last five years but this is a smaller proportion of the overall market.
# setup matplotlib subplots
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(24, 6.75))
# group data by month and location & calculate mean sale price
mean_price_sold_by_month = prices_with_rpi.groupby(
['RPI_Month', 'Location'])["Sale_Price"].mean().reset_index(name='mean_sale_price'
# group data by month and location & calculate inflation adjusted mean sale price
inflation_adjusted_mean_price_sold_by_month = prices_with_rpi.groupby(
['RPI_Month', 'Location - inflation adjusted'])["inflation_adjusted_Sale_Price"].mean().reset_index(name='inflation_adjusted_mean_sale_price'
# plot mean_sale_price using seaborn
g = sns.lineplot(
palette=sns.color_palette("dark", n_colors=2),
# plot inflation_adjusted_mean_sale_price using seaborn
g = sns.lineplot(
hue="Location - inflation adjusted",
palette=sns.color_palette("pastel", n_colors=2),
# set plot properties
_ =[0])
_ = plt.xlabel("Month")
_ = plt.ylabel("mean sale price €")
_ = plt.legend(title="Legend")
_ = plt.title("Monthly Mean Sale Price")
# group data by month and location & calculate median sale price
median_price_sold_by_month = prices_with_rpi.groupby(
['RPI_Month', 'Location'])["Sale_Price"].median().reset_index(name='median_sale_price'
# group data by month and location & calculate inflation adjusted median sale price
inflation_adjusted_median_price_sold_by_month = prices_with_rpi.groupby(
['RPI_Month', 'Location - inflation adjusted'])["inflation_adjusted_Sale_Price"].median().reset_index(name='inflation_adjusted_median_sale_price'
# plot median_sale_price using seaborn
g = sns.lineplot(
palette=sns.color_palette("dark", n_colors=2),
# plot inflation_adjusted_median_sale_price using seaborn
g = sns.lineplot(
hue="Location - inflation adjusted",
palette=sns.color_palette("pastel", n_colors=2),
# set plot properties
_ =[1])
_ = plt.xlabel("Month")
_ = plt.ylabel("median sale price €")
_ = plt.title("Monthly Median Sale Price")
_ = plt.legend(title="Legend")
Figure 3 depicts clearly the price gap, mean and median, between housing in and oustide of Dublin. The begining of the 10 year period saw a roughly 50k price gap between the median sale price and roughly a 100k price gap between the mean sale price. The inflation adjusted mean and median price for residential property outside of Dublin has not risen significantly during the 10 year period. The inflation adjusted mean and median price for residential property inside of Dublin however has risen significantly. This leaves the inflation adjusted median price gap at the end of the 10 year period at roughly 75k and the inflation adjust mean price gap at roughly 250k. This is consistent with trends observed in figure 1 and once again points at the disproportionalty high rise in real cost of living in Dublin.
# setup matplotlib subplots
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(24, 6.75))
# group data by month and (new/second hand) & calculate mean sale price
mean_price_sold_by_month = prices_with_rpi.groupby(
['RPI_Month', 'New'])["Sale_Price"].mean().reset_index(name='mean_sale_price'
# plot mean_sale_price using seaborn
g = sns.lineplot(
palette=sns.color_palette("deep", n_colors=2),
# set plot properties
_ =[0])
_ = plt.xlabel("Month")
_ = plt.ylabel("mean sale price €")
_ = plt.title("Monthly Mean Sale Price")
_ = ax[0].legend(title="Legend", labels=["Second Hand", "New"])
# group data by month and (new/second hand) & calculate median sale price
median_price_sold_by_month = prices_with_rpi.groupby(
['RPI_Month', 'New'])["Sale_Price"].median().reset_index(name='median_sale_price'
# plot median_sale_price using seaborn
g = sns.lineplot(
palette=sns.color_palette("deep", n_colors=2),
# set plot properties
_ =[1])
_ = plt.xlabel("Month")
_ = plt.ylabel("median sale price €")
_ = plt.title("Monthly Median Sale Price")
_ = ax[1].legend(title="Legend", labels=["Second Hand", "New"])
Over the 10 year period the mean and median cost of new and second hand residential property has remain relatively well matched. It is evident however that the cost of new housing has risen to a greater extent than second hand housing. In both the mean and the median plots it can be seen that the cost of second hand properties were higher in 2010 than new properties. This relationship has been flipped by the end of 2019. This may point to a lack of affordable new builds on the market. Volatility in the data for new builds is quite high as they respresent a smaller propotion of the market and therefore there is less data avaliable to correct for outlier.
# setup matplotlib subplots
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(24, 6.75))
# group data by month and county & calculate mean sale price
mean_price_sold_by_month = prices_with_rpi.groupby(
['RPI_Month', 'County'])["Sale_Price"].mean().reset_index(name='mean_sale_price'
# plot mean_sale_price using seaborn
g = sns.lineplot(
palette=sns.color_palette("deep", n_colors=5),
# set plot properties
_ =[0])
_ = plt.xlabel("Month")
_ = plt.ylabel("mean sale price €")
_ = plt.title("Monthly Mean Sale Price")
_ = ax[0].legend(title="Legend")
# group data by month and county & calculate median sale price
median_price_sold_by_month = prices_with_rpi.groupby(
['RPI_Month', 'County'])["Sale_Price"].median().reset_index(name='median_sale_price'
# plot median_sale_price using seaborn
g = sns.lineplot(
palette=sns.color_palette("deep", n_colors=5),
# set plot properties
_ =[1])
_ = plt.xlabel("Month")
_ = plt.ylabel("median sale price €")
_ = plt.title("Monthly Median Sale Price")
_ = ax[1].legend(title="Legend")
Once again in figure 5 the price gap between Dublin and the other counties included in this study is evident. Volatility of the data is quite high in these plots as breaking the data down by county leaves less data in each group. Meath is the highest non-Dublin county. It is likely the higher prices in Meath are a result of its proximity to Dublin.
# setup matplotlib subplots
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(24, 6.75))
# plot histograms of the estimated 2019 price for all properties split by loaction (Dublin/non-Dublin)
_ = prices_with_rpi.query("Est_Price_Dec2019 <= 2000000")['Est_Price_Dec2019'].hist(
ax=[ax[0], ax[1]],
# set plot properties
for iax in ax:
_ =
_ = plt.xlabel("Price €")
_ = plt.ylabel("Quantity Sold")
This data is not perfectly normally distributed. The means lean towards zero and the data has a long tail.
# setup matplotlib subplots
fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 3, figsize=(24, 6.75))
# plot histograms of the estimated 2019 price for all properties split by county
_ = prices_with_rpi.query("Est_Price_Dec2019 <= 2000000")['Est_Price_Dec2019'].hist(
ax=[ax[0, 0], ax[0, 1], ax[0, 2], ax[1, 0], ax[1, 1]],
# set plot properties
for iax in ax:
for jax in iax:
_ =
_ = plt.xlabel("Price €")
_ = plt.ylabel("Quantity Sold")
This data is not perfectly normally distributed. The means lean towards zero and the data has a long tail.
Using an unsupervised approach, implement a method to classify whether a property sale should be considered an outlier or not. In the context of the county and type of property, the Revenue is interested in 2 types of outliers:
The Revenue are interested in creating a backlog of property sales to investigate for tax avoidance.
The Revenue are interested in identifying sales which do not represent a sale of a single residential property. The client believes there may be many instances of a single sale which are for several properties, such as apartment blocks.
Therefore, a deliverable for the client is to provide a list of properties which were sold for abnormally low and high values i.e. outliers.
The approach chosen should be informed from information you have observed in the previous step.
Prior to an implementation, please provide a detailed explanation of the reason the selected approach was chosen and provide a summary of the findings regarding the list of outliers identified.
The z-score or standard score of an observation is a metric that indicates how many standard deviations a data point is from the sample’s mean, assuming a gaussian distribution. This makes z-score a parametric method. Very frequently data points are not to described by a gaussian distribution, this problem can be solved by applying transformations to data ie: scaling it.
After making the appropriate transformations to the selected feature space of the dataset, the z-score of any data point can be calculated with the following expression:
z_value = (value - mean)/standard deviation
Once the z value has been calculated a threshold for acceptable values can be determined. A z value greater than 3 represents a value in the 0.1% percentile. Below is a chart describing the relationship of z value and outliers:
As seen in the above histograms the data is not perfectly normally distributed. The data mean leans toward zero and has a long tail. In order to transform this data into a better normal distribution we can find the natural log of the values.
# calculate the log of the estimated 2019 price
prices_with_rpi["log(Est_Price_Dec2019)"] = np.log(prices_with_rpi["Est_Price_Dec2019"])
# setup matplotlib subplots
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(24, 6.75))
# plot histograms of the log of the estimated 2019 price for all properties split by county
_ = prices_with_rpi.query("Est_Price_Dec2019 <= 2000000")['log(Est_Price_Dec2019)'].hist(
ax=[ax[0], ax[1]],
# set plot properties
for iax in ax:
_ =
_ = plt.xlabel("Price €")
_ = plt.ylabel("Quantity Sold")
As we can see this transformation has allowed us to produce a much better normal distribution for out data.
# setup matplotlib subplots
fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 3, figsize=(24, 6.75))
# plot histograms of the log of the estimated 2019 price for all properties split by county
_ = prices_with_rpi.query("Est_Price_Dec2019 <= 2000000")['log(Est_Price_Dec2019)'].hist(
ax=[ax[0, 0], ax[0, 1], ax[0, 2], ax[1, 0], ax[1, 1]],
# set plot properties
for iax in ax:
for jax in iax:
_ =
_ = plt.xlabel("Price €")
_ = plt.ylabel("Quantity Sold")
As we can see this transformation has allowed us to produce a much better normal distribution for out data.
Here the z score is calculated for Dublin and ex Dublin properties. County wise z score calculation is not nessesary as the means of the histograms for all non-Dublin Counties are relatively close.
# create data frames to seperate Dublin and ex Dublin properties
prices_with_rpi_dublin = prices_with_rpi.query("County == 'Dublin'").reset_index()
prices_with_rpi_exdublin = prices_with_rpi.query("County != 'Dublin'").reset_index()
# calulate z score for Dublin properties
prices_with_rpi_dublin["zscore"] = (
(prices_with_rpi_dublin["log(Est_Price_Dec2019)"] - prices_with_rpi_dublin["log(Est_Price_Dec2019)"].mean())
/ prices_with_rpi_dublin["log(Est_Price_Dec2019)"].std(ddof=0)
# calulate z score for ex Dublin properties
prices_with_rpi_exdublin["zscore"] = (
(prices_with_rpi_exdublin["log(Est_Price_Dec2019)"] - prices_with_rpi_exdublin["log(Est_Price_Dec2019)"].mean())
/ prices_with_rpi_exdublin["log(Est_Price_Dec2019)"].std(ddof=0)
# filter out over priced properties with a z score >= 3
overpriced_dublin = prices_with_rpi_dublin.query("zscore >= 3").reset_index()
overpriced_exdublin = prices_with_rpi_exdublin.query("zscore >= 3").reset_index()
overpriced = pd.concat([overpriced_dublin, overpriced_exdublin])
# filter out under priced properties with a z score <= -3
underpriced_dublin = prices_with_rpi_dublin.query("zscore <= -3").reset_index()
underpriced_exdublin = prices_with_rpi_exdublin.query("zscore <= -3").reset_index()
underpriced = pd.concat([underpriced_dublin, underpriced_dublin])
# define columns to save
colums_to_save = [
"VAT Exclusive",
"Not Full Market Price",
"Description of Property"
# filter out un-necessary columns
overpriced = overpriced[colums_to_save]
underpriced = underpriced[colums_to_save]
# save lists to csv
overpriced.to_csv("overpriced.csv", index=False)
underpriced.to_csv("underpriced.csv", index=False)
The final client deliverable is an evaluation report which outlines the suitability of using a model, which can forecast monthly stamp duty.
For the evaluation report, please provide the following sections:
The Revenue have provided the following stamp duty formula.
$$ \text{Stamp Duty Due} = \text{Stamp Duty Rate} \times (\text{Sale Price}-(\text{Sale Price} \times \text{VAT})) $$where, Stamp Duty Rate is assumed to be 1% for all sales and VAT is 13.5%.
Limit the evaluation to the data output from part 2 in the case study.
In order to properly explore this problem it will be useful to plot stamp duty over the 10 year period.
# set stamp duty rate
stamp_duty_rate = 0.01
# calculate stamp duty on all property sales
prices_with_rpi["Stamp_Duty"] = prices_with_rpi["Sale_Price_ex_VAT"] * stamp_duty_rate
# create year column in order to group by year
prices_with_rpi["Year"] = prices_with_rpi["RPI_Month"].apply(lambda x : x.replace(month=1))
# calculate monthly stamp duty
monthly_stamp_duty = prices_with_rpi.groupby(
# calculate yearly stampt duty
yearly_stamp_duty = prices_with_rpi.groupby(
# setup matplotlib subplots
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(24, 6.75))
# plot monthly stamp duty using seaborn
g = sns.lineplot(
palette=sns.color_palette("deep", n_colors=1)
# set plot properties
_ =[0])
_ = plt.xlabel("Month")
_ = plt.ylabel("Stamp Duty Total €")
_ = plt.title("Monthly Stamp Duty")
# plot yearly stamp duty using seaborn
g = sns.lineplot(
palette=sns.color_palette("deep", n_colors=1)
# set plot properties
_ =[1])
_ = plt.xlabel("Year")
_ = plt.ylabel("Stamp Duty Total €")
_ = plt.title("Yearly Stamp Duty")
As seen earlier in figure 2, the quantity of houses sold follows a seasonsal pattern with a slight upward trend. The mean sale price has also been shown to have a slight upward trend. The yearly trend of stamp duty is therefore upwards. This yearly trend of stamp duty depends on many variables, it is likely to always trend up over long periods of time due to inflation but accurately predicting yearly fluctuations depends on market conditions. A sophisticated prediction of macro economic trends is beyond the scope of this assignment so we will assume that this upward trend continues and accept this as a limitation of the study. The seasonal trend depends on the calendar months however, which are a constant and it can therefore be reasonably assumed that this consumer behaviour will continue.
These trends point to a seasonal naive model as a baseline. A seasonal naive model predicts the last value of the same season (same month last year) when forecasting. The upward yearly trend can be superimposed onto this to give a final prediction.
# poly fit line to predict trend line
# for each year I use the previous years with a minimum of 4 years to create a new poly line
# this means the first 4 years are not predicted
# create poly line for every year from 2014 - 2019 inclusive
poly_lines = [np.polyfit(yearly_stamp_duty.index[:i], yearly_stamp_duty["Stamp_Duty_Total"][:i], 2) for i in range(4, len(yearly_stamp_duty.index))]
# use poly line for 2014 for 2010 - 2014 (this means that these years are not predicted, they are fitted)
ps = [np.poly1d(poly_lines[0])]*4 + [np.poly1d(poly_line) for poly_line in poly_lines]
# calculate predicted yearly trend for each year
yearly_trend = [p(i) for i, p in enumerate(ps)]
yearly_stamp_duty["yearly_trend"] = yearly_trend
# calcularte yealy % change based on predicted values
yearly_stamp_duty["pct_change"] = yearly_stamp_duty["yearly_trend"].pct_change().fillna(0)
# setup matplotlib subplots
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(24, 6.75))
# plot yearly stamp duty using seaborn
g = sns.lineplot(
palette=sns.color_palette("deep", n_colors=1)
# set plot properties
_ =
_ = plt.xlabel("Year")
_ = plt.ylabel("Stamp Duty Total €")
_ = plt.title("Yearly Stamp Duty")
# plot yearly stamp duty using seaborn
g = sns.lineplot(
palette=sns.color_palette("deep", n_colors=2)[1]
# set plot properties
_ =
_ = plt.xlabel("Year")
_ = plt.ylabel("Stamp Duty Total €")
_ = plt.title("Yearly Stamp Duty")
_ = ax.legend(title="Legend", labels=["Stamp Duty", "Prediction"])
The polyline prediction is fitted to the data for the first 4 years, after this the line is prediction of the the stamp duty for the year based on previous year avaliable. This works reasonable well for this task.
# create year column in order to match by year
monthly_stamp_duty["Year"] = monthly_stamp_duty["RPI_Month"].apply(lambda x : x.replace(month=1))
# Left join monthly_stamp_duty & yearly_stamp_duty on year to get % chnage
monthly_stamp_duty = pd.merge(
yearly_stamp_duty[["Year", "pct_change"]],
right_on ='Year'
# calculate seasonal naive value
monthly_stamp_duty["naive_prediction"] = monthly_stamp_duty["Stamp_Duty_Total"].shift(12)
# calculate seasonal naive value with yearly trend % change multiplier
monthly_stamp_duty["naive_prediction_trend"] = (monthly_stamp_duty["Stamp_Duty_Total"] * (1 + monthly_stamp_duty["pct_change"])).shift(12)
# setup matplotlib subplots
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(24, 6.75))
# plot monthly stamp duty using seaborn
g = sns.lineplot(
palette=sns.color_palette("deep", n_colors=1)
# plot naive prediction using seaborn
g = sns.lineplot(
palette=sns.color_palette("deep", n_colors=2)[1]
# set plot properties
_ =[0])
_ = plt.xlabel("Month")
_ = plt.ylabel("Stamp Duty Total €")
_ = plt.title("Monthly Stamp Duty Prediction Seasonal Naive Model")
_ = ax[0].legend(title="Legend", labels=["Stamp Duty", "Prediction"])
# plot monthly stamp duty using seaborn
g = sns.lineplot(
palette=sns.color_palette("deep", n_colors=1)
# plot naive prediction using seaborn
g = sns.lineplot(
palette=sns.color_palette("deep", n_colors=2)[1]
# set plot properties
_ =[1])
_ = plt.xlabel("Month")
_ = plt.ylabel("Stamp Duty Total €")
_ = plt.title("Monthly Stamp Duty Prediction Seasonal Naive Model with Trend")
_ = ax[1].legend(title="Legend", labels=["Stamp Duty", "Prediction"])
This figure shows a prediction of the last 6 years of the decade analysed (as I used a minimum of 4 years to produce the trend line for prediction). The seasonal naive model looks to perform well from a visual stand point. Evaluation metrics will be provided below. It is hard to tell visually whether adding the yearly trend % change multiplier helped the prediction. This will also be evaluated below.
# calculate the squared error for the seasonal naive model
monthly_stamp_duty["SN_squared_error"] = (monthly_stamp_duty["Stamp_Duty_Total"] - monthly_stamp_duty["naive_prediction"]) ** 2
# calculate the squared error for the seasonal naive model with trend
monthly_stamp_duty["SNT_squared_error"] = (monthly_stamp_duty["Stamp_Duty_Total"] - monthly_stamp_duty["naive_prediction_trend"]) ** 2
# calculate the root mean squared error for the seasonal naive model
RMSE_SN = np.sqrt(monthly_stamp_duty["SN_squared_error"].mean())
# calculate the mean squared error for the seasonal naive model with trend
RMSE_SNT = np.sqrt(monthly_stamp_duty["SNT_squared_error"].mean())
# calculate the mean absolute error by % for the seasonal naive model
mean_abs_error_pct_sn = (
abs(monthly_stamp_duty["Stamp_Duty_Total"] - monthly_stamp_duty["naive_prediction"])/monthly_stamp_duty["Stamp_Duty_Total"]
# calculate the mean absolute error by % for the seasonal naive model with trend
mean_abs_error_pct_snt = (
abs(monthly_stamp_duty["Stamp_Duty_Total"] - monthly_stamp_duty["naive_prediction_trend"])/monthly_stamp_duty["Stamp_Duty_Total"]
print("RMSE for seasonal naive model:", round(RMSE_SN,2))
print("Mean abs error % for seasonal naive model:", round(mean_abs_error_pct_snt * 100,2), "%")
print("RMSE for seasonal naive model with trend:", round(RMSE_SNT,2))
print("Mean abs error % for seasonal naive model with trend:", round(mean_abs_error_pct_sn * 100,2), "%")
RMSE for seasonal naive model: 1463917.31 Mean abs error % for seasonal naive model: 21.83 % RMSE for seasonal naive model with trend: 1642630.98 Mean abs error % for seasonal naive model with trend: 20.72 %
The seasonal naive model does a good job of predicting future stamp duty and can be used with an expectation that it will perform with an average absolut percentage error of 20%.
The model performed better without the trend prediction added when measured by root mean square error. The model performed better with the trend prediction added when measured by mean absolute percentage error. This highlights that the trend prediction is not adequate and needs to be improved.
More data can be included to better produce predictions for the yearly trend in property sales quantity and prices. This prediction requires a broader look at macro economic trends.